一帶一路 | 走進澳門之教育 Education 由 星辰前海律师 | 9月 29, 2015 | 一帶一路 | 0 条评论 澳門教育狀況 教育 特區政府成立以來, 積極促進澳門非高等教育和高等教育的發展,透過持續完善15年免費教育制度,及研究制訂教育發展藍圖等一系列措施,落實「教育興澳」、「人才強澳」的施政方向,又秉持高教多元發展的方針,支持各院校辦學自主,協調高等教育機構的發展,全力提升高等教育質素和學術水平。 Education Since itsestablishment, the Macao SAR Government has actively promoted thedevelopment ofnon-tertiary education and tertiary education in Macao. It has continued toenhance the 15-year free education scheme, and explored the formulation of a series ofpolicies including the blueprint of education development, and implementing the administration directions of “Improving Macao through education” and “StrengtheningMacao with talents”. 非高等教育 澳門是現時大中華區首個提供15年免費教育的地區。在澳門,於2006 年《非高等教育制度綱要法》頒佈實施後,非高等教育分為正規教育和持續教育兩個教育類型。正規教育主要包括幼兒教育、小學教育、中學教育和特殊教育;持續教育則包括回歸教育、家庭教育、社區教育和職業培訓。職業技術教育只在高中階段開設,可同時在正規教育和回歸教育中實施。澳門的學校系統由公立學校和私立學校組成,並由實施正規教育的公立學校和大部份接受資助、提供免費教育的私立學校組成免費教育學校系統。澳門的私立學校分為本地學制和非本地學制兩類;不牟利的本地學制私立學校,可申請加入免費教育學校系統。特區政府因應不同學校發展背景,鼓勵學校在辦學理念、課程特點和教學模式上形成自己的辦學特色和風格,發展多元的學校系統,為社會培養更多的優秀人才。根據教育暨青年局統計資料顯示,2013/2014學年,按發出學校執照計算,澳門共有77所學校,其中公立學校10所,私立學校67所;只提供正規教育的學校有66間,只提供回歸教育的學校有3所,同時提供正規和回歸教育的學校有8所。2013/2014學年,接受非高等教育的學生總數為71,048人,而非高等教育領域教學人員總數為5,766人,較2012/2013學年增加3.1%。 Non-tertiaryEducation Macao is the firstregion in Greater China that provides 15 years of free education. Since thepromulgation of the Fundamental Law of Non-tertiary Education in 2006,non-tertiaryeducation in Macao has been classified into two types: formal education andcontinuing education. The former mainly includes kindergartens, primary schooling,secondary schooling, and special education; while the latter includes recurrenteducation, family education, community education and occupational training. Vocationaland technical education, which may be implemented as part of formal education orrecurrent education, is only offered at senior secondary school level. The Macaoschool system comprises public and private schools, with a free education networkcomprising public schools offering formal education, and most subsidised privateschools providing free education.Private schools inMacao can be classified into two types: those following the local educationsystem and those following a non-local education system. Non-profit privateschools that follow the local education system may apply for entry into the freeeducation network. The Government encourages schools to develop their own characteristicsand style in terms of mission, curriculum and teaching mode according to theirbackgrounds. The Government also supports the development of a diversified schoolsystem, to nurture more talent for society. According to statistics provided bythe Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ), there were 77 licensed schoolsin Macao during the 2013/2014 school year, 10 ofwhich were public schools, while the remaining 67 were private. Of theschools, 66offered formal education only, three offered recurrent education only, andeightoffered both formal and recurrent education. Duringthe 2013/2014 school year, 71,048students received non-tertiary education.There were 5,766 teachers in non-tertiary education duringthe 2013/2014 school year,an increase of 3.1 percent over the2012/2013 school year. 終身學習 特區政府於2011年7月推出「持續進修發展計劃」,為每一位年滿15歲的合資格澳門居民提供5,000元進修資助。截至2013 年12月,共有超過144,562名居民透過該計劃參與進修,使用資助已超過5.2億元。共有323間本地機構申請開辦合共58,413個高等教育課程、持續教育課程及證照考試,通過評審並獲納入該計劃,共提供超過1,119,514個學習名額;而參加外地高等教育、持續教育課程及證照考試的資助申請個案約有13,797個。 Life-longLearning In July 2011, theGovernment launched the Continuing Education Development Plan, under which Macaoresidents aged 15 or above are eligible to receive a subsidy of 5,000 patacasfor pursuing continuing education. By December 2013, the Continuing EducationDevelopment Plan had provided about 520 million patacas in subsidies to morethan 144,562 residents pursuing continuing education. A total of 58,413 courseswith 1,119,514 places in the fields of higher learning, continuing educationand certificate exams offered by 323 local organisations had been accepted andincluded in the plan. Meanwhile there were about 13,797 subsidy applicationsfor courses in higher learning, continuing education and certificate examsoffered by foreign institutions. 高等教育 澳門現有10所高等院校,4所為公立,6所為私立,其中公立學校包括澳門大學、澳門理工學院、旅遊學院和澳門保安部隊高等學校;私立學校則有澳門城市大學、聖若瑟大學、澳門鏡湖護理學院、澳門科技大學、澳門管理學院和中西創新學院。2013/2014學年,各高等院校共有1,941名教學人員,高等教育課程註冊學生29,521人。澳門的現代高等教育發展只有30多年,早期由於高等院校較少,提供的課程其學術範疇亦較為單一。但隨着院校逐漸增加,以及社會對不同專業知識的需求,課程類別已日趨多元化。2013/2014學年,各高等院校共提供278個高等教育課程,當中包括博士學位、碩士學位、學士學位、高等專科學位、學位後文憑及文憑課程。外地高教機構於2013年經批准在澳門開辦了34個高等教育課程。2013年,特區政府繼續推動高等教育穩定發展,跟進和完善高等教育的法規體系,又增加研究生奬學金的發放名額和金額,加強對學生的就學支持。2013 年,特區政府對在澳門及外地就讀大專和研究生課程的學生發放3,000元的學習用品津貼,經評審後,符合津貼發放條件及成功發放的學生人數有32,241人。 TertiaryEducation Macao has 10tertiary educational institutions. Four of them are public and six are private.The four public ones are the University of Macau, Macao Polytechnic Institute,Institute for Tourism Studies, and Academy of Macao Public Security Forces; whilethe private ones include the Asia International Open University, Macau Inter-UniversityInstitute (IIUM), Kiang Wu Nursing College, Macau University of Science andTechnology, Macau Institute of Management, and Macau Millennium College. Duringthe 2013/2014 academic year, there were 1,941 teaching staff and 29,521registered students. Macao only started to develop modern tertiary educationsome 30 years ago. Since there were only a few tertiary education institutionsin the early days, the range of programmes and disciplines offered by theseinstitutions were relatively limited. However, as the number of institutionsincreased, and society demanded different types of expertise, the types ofprogrammes have diversified. During the 2013/2014 academic year, there were 278programmes in operation including doctorate, master’s and bachelor’s degree programmes,higher diplomas, postgraduate certificates and diploma programmes. In addition,overseas institutions were granted approval in 2013 to offer 34 tertiaryeducational programmes. In 2013, the Government continued to promote the stabledevelopment of tertiary education by following up on and improving relatedregulations, as well as strengthening student support by increasing the quotaand amount of scholarships for graduate students. In 2013, the Governmentprovided a 3,000 patacas allowance for textbooks and stationery to each localtertiary and postgraduate student studying in Macao and overseas. 32,241satisfied the requirements and were granted the allowance. 提交评论 取消回复您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注评论 * 显示名称 * 电子邮箱地址 * 网站地址 在此浏览器中保存我的显示名称、邮箱地址和网站地址,以便下次评论时使用。 Δ