As a non-sovereign special administrative region, Macao enjoys wide-ranging andclose relationships with most countries and regions around the world. According to the Basic Law, Macao may develop bilateral relations with other countries or regions, and participate in international organisations and multinational treaties on its own under the name ‘Macao, China’ in the areas of commerce, trade, finance, aviation, communication, tourism, culture, technology and sport.
截至2014年12月,中國政府與89個國家就其在澳門特區設立領事館或其駐香港特區領事館領區包括澳門特區或可在澳門特區執行領事職務達成協議。駐香港特區總領事館領區包括澳門特區或可在澳門特區執行領事職務的國家有56個(國名按英文字母順序排列,下同):阿根廷、澳大利亞、奧地利、孟加拉國、比利時、巴西、文萊、柬埔寨、加拿大、智利、哥倫比亞 、捷克、埃及、芬蘭、法國、德國、希臘、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亞、伊朗、愛爾蘭、以色列、意大利、日本、哈薩克斯坦、韓國、科威特、老撾、馬來西亞、墨西哥、蒙古、緬甸、尼泊爾、荷蘭、新西蘭、尼日利亞、巴基斯坦、秘魯、波蘭、卡塔爾、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯、沙特阿拉伯、新加坡、南非、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、泰國、土耳其、英國、美國、委內瑞拉、越南、津巴布韋。(註:中國與安提瓜和巴布達已達成在香港特區設立總領事館協議,但該國尚未在香港設立總領事館;薩摩亞、巴哈馬、丹麥駐港總領事館關閉,但有關設領、擴領協議未終止。)在澳門特區委派名譽領事的國家共8個:佛得角、愛沙尼亞、格林納達、幾內亞比紹、馬里、尼日爾、秘魯、英國。(註:不丹、法國、蘇里南3國名譽領事缺任)駐香港特區名譽領事館領區包括澳門特區的國家共20個:科特迪瓦、塞浦路斯、厄立特里亞、埃塞俄比亞、冰島、肯尼亞、立陶宛、馬爾代夫、摩洛哥、納米比亞、挪威、盧旺達、聖馬力諾、塞舌爾、斯洛文尼亞、斯洛伐克、斯里蘭卡、蘇丹、坦桑尼亞、烏拉圭。
Consulates in Macao
By the end of 2013, 89countries had established consular services in Macao or extended their consular services in Hong Kong to Macao, and there were 86consular establishments. Portugal, Angola and the Philippines have established a consulate general in the MSAR. Fifty-three consulates-general accredited to Hong Kong have also covered the Macao SAR, including several that may execute consular duties in the Macao SAR. They are (in alphabetical order): Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, the Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia Myanmar, Nepal, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, the United States of America, Venezuela, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. (Remarks: China has signed an agreement with Antigua and Barbuda that allows the island country to establish a consulate general in the Hong Kong SAR, but it has not yet opened; the Consulates-General of Samoa, the Bahamas and Denmark are currently closed; however the relevant agreements on the establishments and expansion of consulates are still valid.) Ten countries have appointed honorary consuls to the MSAR (in alphabetical order): Cape Verde, Estonia, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Peru, the United Kingdom. (The posts of honorary consul of Bhutan, France and Surinam are currently vacant.) Twenty countries with honorary consulates in Hong Kong cover or extend services to the MSAR (in alphabetical order): Cyprus, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Hungary, Iceland, Kenya, Lithuania, Maldives, Morocco, Namibia, Norway, Rwanda, San Marino, Seychelles Slovenia, Slovakia Sri Lanka, Sudan, , Tanzania, Uruguay (The post of honorary consul of Iceland is currently vacant.)
Mutual Exemption from Visa Requirements.By September 2014, 111countries and regions allow visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry to MSAR passport holders. Of these, 77countries and 19regions grant visa-free entry, while 15countries grant visa-on-arrival entry. In addition, 10countries give visa-free or visa-on-arrival entry to holders of MSAR travel permits.
Macao and the European Union
Official relations between Macao and the EU have been steadily built on the foundation of the Macao-EC Trade and Cooperation Agreement signed in 1992. Macao has maintained good relations with the EU in terms of economic and trade affairs ever since the establishment of the MSAR. The Macao Economic and Trade Office at the Brussels headquarters of the EU seeks to enhance Macao’s relationship with the organisation. Under the agreement, both sides cooperate in industry, investment, science and technology, energy, information, training and other areas. Joint committees of both parties hold annual meetings to review the implementation of the agreement and discuss its future development. Macao and Brussels take turns to hold such meetings, and 18such sessions had been held by September 2014.
回歸後,澳門特區與美國之間的相互往來有所加強。澳、美之間在打擊非法轉運和盜版活動、執法培訓及反恐等多方面加強合作。雙方都表達了希望建立良好關係、拓展雙邊合作、促進貿易和投資的意願。美國駐港澳總領事館鼓勵美國官員來澳門訪問,進一步加強雙方的關係。2014 年澳門的總出口貨值為99.1億元,而輸往美國貨物的出口貨值為2.93億元,較2013年減少19.7%。澳門從美國進口貨物的總值則約為58.56億元,較2013 年增加43.46%。澳門開放賭權後,已獲得澳門幸運博彩經營批給或「轉批給」合約的公司中,有3間具美國公司資本。
Macao and the United States
Since the Handover, interaction and cooperation between Macao and the United States have strengthened in areas such as combating illegal transhipment, anti-piracy measures, law enforcement training and anti-terrorism measures. Both sides have expressed readiness to establish a good relationship, and to extend bilateral cooperation to promote trade and investment. The US Consulate General for Hong Kong and Macao encourages US officials to visit Macao in order to consolidate ties between the two parties further. The total value of Macao’s gross exports during 2013 was 9.09billion patacas; of these, gross exports to the United States accounted for 365 million patacas, a decrease of 28 percent over 2012; while Macao’s total imports from the United States were valued at 4.082 billion patacas, an increase of 10.9 percent over 2012. Three of the companies granted casino concession or sub-concession contracts by the Government following the liberalisation of Macao’s gaming industry are US-funded.
特區政府致力加強與東亞,特別是東南亞地區的伙伴合作關係,藉此加強彼此間在經濟、旅遊等方面的合作。第一和第二任行政長官何厚鏵先後出訪新加坡、日本、韓國、越南、泰國和馬來西亞。2011 年,行政長官崔世安率領代表團對新加坡進行正式訪問。
Macao and the Asia Pacific Region
The Government is committed to strengthening its relations with East Asia, particularly Southeast Asian countries, for the enhancement of economic and tourism cooperation. The first and second Chief Executive, Mr Edmund Ho Hau Wah, has visited countries including Singapore, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. In 2011, Chief Executive Chui Sai On led a delegation for an official visit to Singapore.