In 2014, the Head of State announced the implementation of the new economic policy “Nurly Zhol”, designed to connect the transit routes in different regions of Kazakhstan, improve and modernize logistics, social and industrial infrastructure.
Kazakhstan has started to implement the Plan of the Nation “100 concrete steps” that involves radical changes aimed at the implementation of the Five institutional reforms. In particular, the programme envisions the formation of a professional state apparatus, ensuring the rule of law, industrialization and economic growth, identity and unity and the formation of accountable government.
At the same time, a large-scale social modernization programme is being carried out in the country implying the construction of new schools, vocational colleges and universities, opening of modern medical clinics and hospitals, improvement of the system of social support.
哈薩克斯坦境內有 130多個民族,設立了保障各民族和睦相處的協商會議機構——哈薩克斯坦人民大會。在阿斯坦納定期舉行世界與傳統宗教領袖大會。
Currently, the country is home to 130 ethnic groups, and has a successfully functioning advisory body on harmonization of interethnic relations – the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. In Astana, the Congresses of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions are held regularly.
As a leader in Central Asia, the country is making a significant contribution to stability in the region. The country has made great strides on the global stage, which is proved by the presidency of Kazakhstan in the OSCE Summit held in Astana in December 2010. Another significant initiative was the launch of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, the Asian analogue of the OSCE. Kazakhstan’s activities as the chairman of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, the leading organization of the Islamic world got positive feedback from the international community. The country is a well-established leader in the global anti-nuclear movement.
Kazakhstan is a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union.The basis of Kazakhstan’s prosperity is the stable growth in all sectors of its economy, international recognition and political stability. Kazakhstan is a country looking into the future, which retains its culture, traditions and successfully realizes its huge creative potential in the nowadays dynamic world.