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2013 年 , 印度調整和放寬部分領域的外資政策 , 以加大市場開放力度 , 大力吸引外資 , 其主要有 :

第一 , 經政府審批 , 外資可繼續在茶葉種植領域持股 100% , 取消了茶葉種植業的五年強制撤資條款 ( 原規定外資須在五年內撤資 26% , 相應股份由印度企業或投資者持有 )。

第二 , 將石油和天然氣產業的外國投資路徑由政府審批改為自動生效 , 無須由經印度儲備銀行或政府投資部門審批 。

第三 , 國防產業的外資上限為 26% , 所有專案需要政府審批 。 如確引進新技術 , 由內閣安全委員會審批後 , 投資上限可超過 26% 。 該領域允許外商直接投資 , 不允許機構投資者通過投資組合方式進行投資 ; 外資的投資申請需遞交經濟事務部的外資促進委員會秘書處審核 ; 外資比例在 26% 以下但投資額超過 120 億盧比的 , 須經內閣經濟事務委員會審核 ; 外資比例高於 26% 的 , 還須國防產業部許可 。

第四 , 快遞行業的外國投資專案改為自動生效 。

第五 , 電信服務業 , 包括一類電信基礎設施供應商 , 取消外資比例上限 ( 即為100% ); 外資比例低於 49% ( 含 49% ) 的為自動生效 , 高於 49% 的為政府審批 ; 投資和經營受電信部監管 。

第六 , 刪除了多品牌零售業的試銷條款 。

第七 , 單一品牌零售業投資路徑 : 外資比例低於 49% ( 含 49% ) 為自動生效 , 高於49% 為政府審批 , 外國投資者或經營者必須在其本國擁有該品牌的合法經營權 , 投資須由工業政策促進局核准 。

第八 , 資產重組公司 , 外資比例上限取消 , 但須全額實繳 , 外資比例低於 49% ( 含49% ) 為自動生效 , 高於 49% 為政府審批 。

第九 , 商品交易所投資項目改為自動生效 , 但須按照消費者事務部和期貨委員會指定的政策和法律從事投資經營 。

第十 , 信用資訊公司直接 / 間接投資上限為 74% , 為自動生效 , 其中通過股票交易的間接投資不能超過 24% 。

第十一 , 證券市場的基本構成者如證券交易所 、 證券清算公司等 , 直接投資和間接投資上限皆為 49% , 為自動生效 。

第十二 , 能源交易所 , 直接投資比例為 26% , 間接投資比例為 23% , 為自動生效 。

2013 年 6 月 3 日 , 印度工業政策促進局發佈通告 , 對多品牌零售業的投資比例和區域進行了修改 , 將外國直接投資的比例提高至 51% , 規定經相關政府部門批准後 , 可以在安德拉 ( AndhraPradesh )、 阿薩姆 ( Assam )、 新德里 、 哈雅那 ( Haryana )、 印屬喀什米爾 ( Jammu&Kashmir ) 等十個地區內投資該行業 。 同時 , 將 “ 集團公司 ” 的定義修改為“ 兩個或兩個以上能夠直接或間接持有或控制其他企業 26% 以上投票權或任命的董事人數占到董事會一半以上的企業 ”。

2013 年 7 月 9 日 , 工業政策促進局發佈通告 , 新增卡納塔克邦 ( Karnataka ) 為可以投資多品牌零售業的地區 。

The change of investment management system

In 2013 India adjusted and softer the terms of the foreign policy in order to increase market openness and vigorously attract foreign investment ,It mainly includes:

1)Subject to the examination and approval of the government

Foreign capital can continue in tea cultivation area with 100 % of ownership .The five years withdrawal terms are cancelled (the original provisions of foreign investment shall be within five years of investment and 26% of corresponding shares by Indian companies or investors holdings.

Secondly, the path of foreign investment in the oil and gas industry was approved by the government and change into the automatic entry force. Without approval by the India reserve bank or government investment department.

Thirdly ,the defense industry .The projects with foreign capital of 26% need government approval by the cabinet of the Security Council ,the investment ceiling can exceed 26%.In terms of foreign direct investment in the field it does not allow institutional investors to invest through the investment portfolio .Foreign applications need to submit the Secretariat of the department of foreign investment promotion committee of the audit the proportion of investment in 26 % less than 12000000000 rupees. Foreign direct investment which is higher than 26% is a subject to approval of the board of economic affairs committee.

Fourth, make industry’s foreign investment projects to automatically take effect.

Fifth, telecommunicationsservices including a class of telecom ,infrastructure providers ,the abolition of foreign capital ratio ceiling (i.e 100%) the proportion of foreign investment ess than 29%(including 49%) have the automatic entry into force ,higher than 49%needs government approval. Investment and management need to be approved by the Ministry of telecommunications regulation.

Sixth, delete the terms of multi-brand retail market

Seventh, a single brand retail investment path. If the proportion of foreign investment is less than 49% (including 49%) the automatic entry comes into force. If it higher than 49% there must be a government approval. Foreign investors or operators must be in their own country and have the legitimate business of the brand .Investment must be approved by the industrial policy.

Eighth, The assets of restructured company. Cancel the proportion of foreign capital, but must be paid in full, the proportion of foreign capital which is less than 49 %( including 49%) must automatically enter into force, if higher than 49% it needs a government approval.

Ninth, the commodity exchange investment projects shallbe automatically entered into force, but shall be in accordance with the policies and always of the Ministry of consumer affairs and Futures Commission for investment management.

Tenth, the direct investment cap of the credit information company is 74% which has the automatic entry into force, but cannot exceed 24% of the indirect investment through the stock exchange.

Eleventh, the basic structure of the securities market such as stock exchange securities Clearing Corporation, direct and indirect investment which has 49% has automatic entry which come into force.

Twelfth, the energy exchange. The proportion of direct investment is 26%.The proportion of indirect investment is 23%.

On June 23 ,2013 ,India’s industrial policy In order to promote bureau issued a circular , where multi brand retail industry’s investment and proportion of area carry on the revision ,foreign direct investment , where the proportion increased to 51%. The proportions were approved by the relevant government departments, the industy investment within the genus in Andhra (Andhra Pradesh),Asa mu(Assam),New Delhi ,Haya (Haryana),Indian Kashmir (Jammu Kashmir)ten area. At the same time, the definition of the group company is changed to two or more than 26% can directly or indirectly hold or control over two of the number of directors of the company. On July 9, 2013 the Industrial Policy bureau issued a circular, the new Khanna tucker bong (Karnataka) for the investment of multi-brand retail sector.