一帶一路 | 走進印度之貿易投資壁壘Trade and investment barriers 由 星辰前海律师 | 12月 18, 2015 | 一帶一路 | 0 条评论 中印投資法律服務有限公司是一家中、港、印三地律師、稅務師、金融專家等專業人士組建的投資服務聯盟,專為中國企業投資印度提供商業資訊、企業註冊、法律及稅務等全方位服務。 企業微信號:zhongyintouzi 一帶一路 貿易壁壘 Trade barriers 關稅壁壘 Tariff barriers 高關稅。 印度的平均實際適用關稅較高,例如糖和糖果的平均適用關稅是35.9%,咖啡、茶葉為56.3%,飲料和煙草為69.1%。此外,印度還對穀物和配製品,飲料和煙草最高徵收150%關稅,對紡織品最高徵收143%的關稅,對畜產品、水果、蔬菜、植物,以及油料和油脂等產品徵收最高100%的關稅。 High tariffs India has a practical application of higher tariffs, such as sugar and sweets, where the average tariff is 35,9% .Coffee and teas has 56,3% tariff .Drinks and tobacco is 69,1%. In addition ,India has the highest tariff of 143% levied on textiles ,livestock products ,fruits vegetables plants as well as oil and other products which levies a maximum of 100 % tariff. 雖然印度許多產品的實際適用關稅低於約束關稅,但是由於實際適用關稅與約束關稅之間的空間非常大,這成為產品貿易的一大障礙。出口商不得不面臨印度為了控制價格和供應量而大幅提高適用關稅水準的不確定性。 Although the practical application of many products in India is lower than the tariff, but due to the actual application of tariff and tariff restrictions between the spaces is very large, this has become a major obstacle for product trade. Exporters have to face uncertainty about the level of application of tariff levels in India in order to control prices and supply. 提交评论 取消回复您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注评论 * 显示名称 * 电子邮箱地址 * 网站地址 在此浏览器中保存我的显示名称、邮箱地址和网站地址,以便下次评论时使用。 Δ