一帶一路 | 走進印度之由尼赫魯開始的中間路線(上) 由 星辰前海律师 | 3月 16, 2016 | 一帶一路 | 0 条评论 中印投資法律服務有限公司是一家中、港、印三地律師、稅務師、金融專家等專業人士組建的投資服務聯盟,專為中國企業投資印度提供商業資訊、企業註冊、法律及稅務等全方位服務。 企業微信號:zhongyintouzi 一帶一路 由尼赫魯開始的中間路線(上) The centrism started from Nehru 人稱瓦傑帕伊是找錯政黨的“尼赫魯式政治家”。前面提到的蘭密施,自認受到開國總理尼赫魯的影響而成長。他們兩人既然是印度第三派的代表人物,那麼尼赫魯就應該是第三派的始祖了。正是尼赫魯奠定了既不像第一派蓄意與中國為敵、又不像第四派完全倒向中國的中間道路對華政策。過去50多年來印度所推行的是這個政策,未來很長時間內仍然會以這個政策為主。 People said that Vajpayee was the “Nehru-style” politician who participated a wrong party. Ramesh, who had been mentioned above, believed that he was affected by the ideas of Nehru, the founding prime minister. Since Vajpayee and Ramesh were the representatives of the centrism, Nehru was the founder of the centrism. The attitude of the first party was deliberately against China, while the fourth party was completely friendly to China. It was Nehru who established India’s centrism policy towards China which is different from the idea of the first and the fourth party. Over the past fifty years, India was promoted by the centrism, and we believe that this policy will still be the main policy towards China. 尼赫魯在1950年時曾經說:“中國是我最敬佩的國家。”但他的對華政策卻受到嚴峻的考驗。中國近現代政治家言論從不關注印度,唯一的例外是孫中山。可是,尼赫魯在所著《印度的發現》一本書中提到中國之處,就比孫中山畢生言論中提到印度之處還多。世界上沒有任何外國領導人像尼赫魯那樣關懷、敬仰、談論過中國。 Nehru once said, “China is a country I admired the most” in 1950. However, his attitude towards China had faced a severe test. China’s modern politician seldom focused on India. The only exception was Sun Yat-sen. Even so, the times Nehru mentioned China in his work, “The Discovery of India”, were more than the times Sun Yat-sen mentioned India in his whole life. There were no foreign leaders in the world like Nehru who would pay such close attention to China. 提交评论 取消回复您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注评论 * 显示名称 * 电子邮箱地址 * 网站地址 在此浏览器中保存我的显示名称、邮箱地址和网站地址,以便下次评论时使用。 Δ