


春(3月、4月和5月)Spring (March, April, May)


當冬季接近尾聲,大陸吹來的寒冷季風變得微弱而斷斷續續。此時,在中國生成的低壓氣團進入日本海,引來了從太平洋吹來的強勁、溫暖的南風。最初吹來的風被稱為春一番(haru ichiban)。它在宣告溫暖的春天即將來臨的同時,也時常會造成雪崩;有時,它翻山越嶺到達面朝日本海一側的地區,在那裡造成反常的炎熱乾燥天氣,甚至引發重大火災。


When winter nears its end, the cold seasonal winds blowing from the continent become weaker and more intermittent. At this time, low pressure air masses originating in China enter the Sea of Japan; these give rise to strong, warm southerly winds which travel toward this low-pressure zone from the Pacific Ocean. The first of these winds is called haru ichiban. While it announces the warmth of the coming spring, it sometimes causes avalanches and, crossing the mountains to the side of the country facing the Sea of Japan, it is at times responsible for exceptionally hot and dry weather and can even become the cause of large fires.



In early spring, plum blossoms start to bloom, followed by peach blossoms. During the last ten days or so of March, the cherry blossoms so beloved by the Japanese people begin to bloom.