There is large and important work in front of us. We must be united to pass this global exam. We must strengthen trust among all the people of Kazakhstan! Be tolerant to each other! These are keys to Kazakhstan’s future. Interethnic harmony is oxygen. We never notice it, when we breathe, we do it automatically – we just live. We must safeguard our unity and our interethnic harmony. No outsider can come and do this for us. Our young grow in a new and independent country. The younger generation did not witness interethnic war or conflict, the devastation of 1990’s. Many people perceive stability and comfortable life in Kazakhstan as something given since their birth.
For what are stability and harmony? It is family welfare, safety, a roof over our head. Peace is the joy of paternity and maternity, health of parents and happiness of our children. Peace is stable work, wages and feeling confident about the future. Peace and stability are the achievement of our entire population, which must be protected and reinforced by everyday hard work. I always say: the young are the foundation of our future. The state has opened up all the doors and all the paths to the new generation! Nurly Zhol is where our creative and dynamic young can invest their efforts and develop!
Next year we will solemnly celebrate 20 years since the adoption of the Constitution and the creation of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. When we celebrate these dates, we should make the people of Kazakhstan spiritually stronger, united, and even more tolerant. I am convinced that our core principle – Kazakhstan, Only Ahead! – will sound in a new way and will acquire a deeper meaning at this new important turn of our history! I wish success and reaching new heights to all of you, because they will raise our Homeland even higher!