分析師指出,從最新公佈的數字看來,印度政府振興經濟的企圖顯然遇挫。印度信評機構 Care Ratings 首席經濟師薩布納維斯(Madan Sabnavis)表示:“GDP 資料顯示,印度幾個主要產業都沒有獲拉抬跡象,政府擴大支出被看好能助長經濟,卻未反映在數字上。”
Analysts pointed out that according to the latest digital report, the Indian government obviously met a setback when it attempted to revive the economy. The chief economist Madan Sabunavis from Indian rating agency Care Ratings said: “the GDP figures show that Indian government’s measures did not revitalize India’s major industries. Government spending is expected to fuel economy, but it did not reflect on the numbers.”
印度券商 Anand Rathi Securities 首席經濟學家哈賈(Sujan Hajra)指出,“農業表現出乎意料地好,工業成績也相當理想,主要是受到服務業拖累,但那也不應是令人憂心的主因。”
The chief economist Sujan Hajra from brokerage Anand Rathi Securities said, “Agriculture performance is unexpectedly good, achievement in industry is quite ideal. Indian economy is mainly affected by the services industry. But that is not the main reason why we are worrying.”
德意志銀行分析師Kaushik Das說道,“過去兩年來經濟增長動能已經改善,”“不過回升的步伐則緩慢的令人沮喪。”
Analyst Kaushik Das from Deutsche bank said, “In the past two years Indian economy has improved,” “but the slow pace of recovery makes people frustrated.”
印度2季度GDP出爐 增速意外放緩至7%
Extending Reading 1: India GDP in the second quarter accidentally comes out with the growth rate slowed to 7%
據 CNBC 報導,本週一印度 4-6 月國內生產總值(GDP)資料出爐,印度經濟增長意外放緩,僅年增7%。而今年1-3月GDP增幅為7.5%。這凸顯出該亞洲第3大經濟體仍面臨挑戰,儘管全力衝刺成長率,但成果有限。
According to CNBC, on Monday, India gross domestic product (GDP) data (from April to June 4) came out, it indicated that India’s economic growth rate was unexpectedly slow, merely has a 7% growth rate by year. However in March this number went to 7.5%. This indicated that as the Asia’s third-largest economy, India is still facing challenges. Although it tried with every effort to foster the growth rate, the results were still limited.
印度統計部週一公告,第 2 季 GDP 年增幅 7%,較前季的 7.5%增幅遜色,也不如《華爾街日報》調查經濟學家後的預估均值7.4%。
On Monday, India Statistics Department announced that in the second quarter the GDP growth rate was 7%, compared with previous quarter’s 7.5% growth rate. The growth rate is also lower than the estimated average number 7.4% which predicted by the Survey Economist on Wall Street Journal.
When having Reuters survey, some analysts said that they thought India GDP data would be 7.4% in the second quarter. However, the weak services is dragging the hind legs of India’s economy.