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第 2 季印度外國直接投資(FDI)呈大幅成長,意味海外投資人對印度相當有信心。據印度貿易部週一公佈資料,第2季FDI累達95.1億美元,不去年同期的72.3億美元相比,增長 32%。6月的FDI 年增6.5%至20.5億美元。

Indian foreign direct investment (FDI) had dramatically grown up in the second season, which means that overseas investors are fairly confident about India. According to India’s Trade Department’s date ,which was released on Monday, in season 2 FDI had totally reached $9.51 billion, compared to $ 7.23 billion in last year, which has increased to 32%.The FDI in June has increased  up to 6.5%, and reached $2.05 billion.


India’s computer software and hardware industries are the most popular to the foreign investors, which were contributed most in season 2, taking $2.55 billion. The second popular industry is the auto, which has attracted FDI up to $1.1 billion. Trade and Service industries had attracted FDI of $897 million and $636 million respectively.


The Indian government under the leadership of the Prime Minister Mr. Modi are devoting them to loosen the flowing in limitation towards foreign capital over the past few years, including letting foreign capitals participate defense and insurance plans in order to boost the economy.