




Mr. Modi encountered challenges

印度經濟增速放緩適逢印度總理莫迪作為全國經濟“救世主”的形象褪色之際。2014 年 5 月,印度總理莫迪正式宣誓就職,承諾加快印度經濟增長速度,並創造數以百萬計的製造業工作。然後,由於清除大量阻礙經濟發展的因素的工作過程緩慢,印度企業也變得煩躁不安。

India’s economic growth rate’s slowdown came at a time when India’s Prime Minister, Mr Modi’s “savior” image had faded. On May, 2015, India’s Prime Minister Mr.Modi officially took the oath of office, promising to speed up India’s economic growth and created millions of manufacturing jobs. However, the working process of removing abundant factors which hindered the development of the economy was slow, so Indian companies had also become irritable.

印度2季度GDP資料公佈後,要求莫迪政府下調利率的呼聲也增多了。一些官員已經開始要求印度央行將基準利率從目前的7.25%下調 50個基點。

After the second GDP data was released, people’s calls for Modi’s government cutting interest has increased. Some officials began to require Indian central bank to cut its benchmark interest by 7.25% to the 50 th main point.

印度第四大私營銀行HDFC Bank首席經濟學家Jyotinder Kaur表示,“在我們看來,這就為在財年結束前再次下調回購利率打下了基礎。”

Jyotinder Kaur, who is the chief economist from India’s fourth largest private Banks HDFC Bank said, “In our point of view, it is to lay the foundation for cutting the repo rate again before the end of the fiscal year.”


Since January 2015, the Indian central bank has cut the repo rate by 75 basis points.


目前,印度政府多數官員都擔憂,截至2016年3月,該國經濟增速會低於 8%-8.5%的官方目標。官員們也抱怨印度央行謹慎的作風使得問題惡化了。

Now, most of the Indian officials are worrying about the end of March 2016, where the country’s economic growth will be less than the official target 8% – 8.5%. Officials also complained that it is the Indian central bank’s conservative style which made the problem even worse.