



英媒:印人均收入僅中國1/4 但仍將超中國

UK media: Chinese per capita income is 4 times as much as that of Indian, but India will overtake China in the future.


According to the BBC website report on August 28, with its title of “turtle” India will surpass “rabbit” China, the Times published a commentary article written by Collins in Financial column.

文章表示,印兩國在過去數十年就經歷了市場開放的過程。中國在 1978年之後,中國就逐步從集體農業經濟的自治經濟過渡到國營企業。與此同時,印度則是以其獨特的民主模式推行經濟改革,包括削減關稅和稅率等,不過這些措施對於刺激經濟增長作用不大。

The article said that India and China had gone through the process of markets opening in the past decade. After 1978, China gradually turned the autonomous economic which was oriented from collective agricultural economy into state-owned enterprises. At the same time, India is carrying out economic reform with its unique democratic model, including cutting tariffs and tax rates. However the influence caused by these measures for stimulating economic growth is limited.


In the 90s, India’s per capita income was almost the same as that of China. 25 years later, India’s per capita income is only about a quarter of that in China.


The article insisted that India’s democratic political system will make its economy to surpass China’s.


The article said, in India, commercial contract is usually performed by parties, and farmers are free to move in city without any restrictions. India currency adheres to the principle of the open market. Government officials and business executives will be asked publically.


The article pointed out that although  India has its own serious problems, including  1/3 population who are illiterate, discrimination of a female,  and  where only 1/3 numbers of family are provided with electric power as well the roads which are a mess in India. But all the problems could be solved.