2014 年至 2015 年中印雙邊防務合作
中國和印度之間的雙邊防務互動一直在穩步增長,這與兩國在其他方面的雙邊關係保持一致。兩國國防部長和部長級的定期高層互訪,職能級(functional level)和軍事教育領域的交流工作一直在有聲有色地進行著。兩國海軍艦艇定期會開展港口停靠訪問,來強化雙邊防務合作。中國和印度已舉辦了一次年度防務對話,旨在探討兩國安全和防務合作議題。2015 年 4 月10 日,第七屆年度防務安全對話在北京盛大召開。由於兩國已達成了各種機制和協議,其中包括中印邊境事務磋商和協調工作機制,以及邊境防護合作協定的簽署,中印邊境地區的和平與安寧得到了維護。
Bilateral defence interaction between India and China has been steadily growing in consonance with other aspects of the bilateral relationship. There have been regular high level exchanges at the level of Defence Ministers and Service Chiefs, functional level exchanges and military education exchanges between India and China. Ships of the Navies of both countries have regularly made port calls, enhancing bilateral defence cooperation. India and China hold an Annual Defence Dialogue to discuss security and defence cooperation issues between the two countries. The 7th Annual Defence and Security Dialogue was held at Beijing on 10 April 2015. Peace and tranquility in the border areas is being maintained in accordance with the various mechanisms and agreements between the two countries, including the ‘Working Mechanism for Consultations and Coordination of India-China Border Affairs’ and the signing of the ‘Border Defence Cooperation Agreement’.
2014 年,中印雙邊防務合作進入了不平凡的一年。印度參謀長委員會主席在 2014 年 6 月到訪中國;2014 年9 月和 11 月,中國成都軍區政委和印度東部陸軍司令又分別率領互惠代表團訪問了彼此指揮的軍事區。除了其他高級別和職能級的交流互訪工作,第四版的 Exercise HAND IN HAND 聯合演習,即聯合反恐培訓演習於印度普納的阿恩等德(Aundh) 展開。2014 年 4 月,印度海軍護衛艦什瓦利克號 (INS Shivalik) 參加了在中國青島舉辦的多變海上演習。
The year 2014 was an eventful year for India-China bilateral defence cooperation. The Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee visited China in June 2014. The Political Commissar of China’s Chengdu Military Region and India’s Eastern Army Commander led reciprocal delegations to each other’s Command/ Military Region in the months of September and November 2014 respectively. In addition to other high level and functional level exchanges, the 4th edition of Exercise HAND IN HAND, the joint anti-terrorism training exercise was conducted at Aundh, Pune, India. The Indian Naval Ship INS Shivalik participated in the multi-lateral maritime exercise held at Qingdao, China in April 2014.