一帶一路 | 走進日本之日本東北地區 由 wuyong | 4月 27, 2016 | 一帶一路 | 0 条评论 前海國合法律研究院是由西南政法大學、廣東星辰(前海)律師事務所等理事單位共同組成,由深圳前海管理局作為主管單位,深圳市司法局作為業務指導單位,集服務、研究和資料於一體的跨境法律智庫。 研究院最早成立於2013年11月,后在研究院理事長郭星亞教授、法人代表陳方先生的不懈努力和西南政法大學各級領導的大力支持下,於2016年2月2日正式成為獨立的民辦非企業單位,并正式成立博士後流動站。 一帶一路 該地區主要為山區,覆蓋了日本的整個東北地區。人口主要集中於太平洋和日本海沿岸及幾個盆地中。這裡的夏天短暫、冬季漫長,美麗的春秋季節點綴其間。位於秋田縣和青森縣南部的白神山地擁有大片的原始山毛櫸森林,該地區於1993年被列入世界自然遺產。 This largely mountainous region encompasses all of northeastern Japan. Centers of population are found along the coastlines of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, and in several basins. The Tohoku region has short summers and long winters, interspersed with beautiful spring and autumn seasons. Shirakami Sanchi, located in south Aomori Prefecture and Akita Prefecture, has a large-scale primeval forest of beech trees; it was registered as a World Heritage site in 1993. 東北地區主要以農業為主: 65%的耕地是稻田,幾乎占了日本所有稻田面積的四分之一。然而,夏天氣溫偏低對莊稼造成損害的情況屢見不鮮。這一地區的漁業和林業也很重要。其工業有電器、化工、紙漿加工、水泥和煉油,也出產一些石油和天然氣。仙台是東北地區最大的城市。 The Tohoku area is primarily agricultural: 65% of cultivated land is rice paddy fields, which account for almost a quarter of all the paddy fields throughout the country. However, it is not rare for a cool summer to damage the crops. Fishing and forestry are also important. Industrial activities include electrical appliances, chemical production, pulp processing, cement, and petroleum refining, with some production of petroleum and natural gas. Sendai is the largest city. 位於宮城縣境內的松島由260多個小島組成,是日本三大美景之一。由於這裡獨特的地質特徵,2011年3月東日本大地震導致的海嘯給松島地區帶來的影響和破壞力均已得到控制和減少。從仙台乘電車到松島大約需要半小時。每年夏季,東北地區都要舉辦三個色彩絢麗的大型祭典,分別是青森和弘前的“花燈節、仙台的“七夕節”和秋田的“竿燈節”。 Matsushima, a group of more than 260 small islands in Miyagi Prefecture, is counted among the three most beautiful sights in Japan. Impact and damage in areas around Matsushima resulting from the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 was reduced thanks to the area’s unique geological features. Matsushima is about half an hour from Sendai by train. Three large, colorful festivals are held each summer in the Tohoku region. They are Nebuta Matsuri, held in Aomori and Hirosaki; Tanabata Matsuri, in Sendai; and Kanto Matsuri, in Akita. 提交评论 取消回复您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注评论 * 显示名称 * 电子邮箱地址 * 网站地址 在此浏览器中保存我的显示名称、邮箱地址和网站地址,以便下次评论时使用。 Δ