一帶一路 | 哈薩克斯坦外商直接投資行業分析 由 wuyong | 3月 9, 2016 | 一帶一路 | 0 条评论 中印投資法律服務有限公司是一家中、港、印三地律師、稅務師、金融專家等專業人士組建的投資服務聯盟,專為中國企業投資印度提供商業資訊、企業註冊、法律及稅務等全方位服務。 企業微信號:zhongyintouzi 一帶一路 哈薩克斯坦外商直接投資行業分析 從表3可以看出,外國對哈薩克斯坦投資在行業分佈上具有以下幾個特徵。 表3 2004-2008年哈薩克斯坦外商直接投資行業分佈 (單位:億美元) Table 3 2004-2008 year Kazakhstan’s investment distribution of foreign direct investment. 產業(行業)estate property(industry) 2004 2005 2006 2007 合 計 金 額 占比(%) 金 額 占比(%) 金 額 占比(%) 金 額 占比(%) 金 額 占比(%) 農、獵、林、漁業 agriculture,hunt,forest,fishery -0.02 0 0.01 0 0.37 0.4 0.02 0 0.38 0.1 第二產業 Secondary industry 59.36 71.8 22.92 35.7 32.47 31.1 60.72 34.5 175.47 41.1 工業 Industry 57.75 69.8 21.66 33.8 28.42 27.2 55.78 31.7 163.62 38.3 採掘工業 Excavate industry 52.45 63.4 17.66 27.5 23.18 22.2 46.75 26.6 140.04 32.8 原油和天然氣開採Crude oil and gas mining 51.77 62.6 16.57 25.8 20.03 19.2 43.62 24.8 131.99 30.9 加工工業 Process industry 5.19 6.3 2.80 4.4 4.98 4.8 8.68 4.9 21.66 5.1 有色冶金工業Non-ferrous metallurgical industry 3.20 3.9 0.93 1.4 2.66 2.6 6.29 3.6 13.07 3.1 水電氣的生產和分配 Production and distribution of water and electricity 0.11 0.1 1.20 1.9 0.27 0.3 0.35 0.2 1.93 0.5 建築業Construction industry 1.60 1.9 1.26 2.0 4.04 3.9 4.94 2.8 11.85 2.8 第三產業 Tertiary industry 23.39 28.3 41.23 64.3 71.53 68.5 115.05 65.5 251.20 58.8 貿易、汽車和家用製品修理Trade, car and home products repair 2.61 3.2 3.93 6.1 7.61 7.3 12.73 7.2 26.89 6.3 運輸和通訊Transportation and communication 1.01 1.2 1.08 1.7 3.03 2.9 2.09 1.2 7.22 1.7 金融 Finance 0.71 0.9 0.85 1.3 3.71 3.6 29.06 16.5 34.33 8.0 對企業和不動產、租賃和服務 Enterprises and real estate leasing and services 18.02 21.8 34.72 54.1 56.08 53.7 69.69 39.7 178.51 41.8 地質勘探和勘測業務 Geological exploration and survey operations 17.18 20.8 33.11 51.6 54.93 52.6 66.56 37.9 171.78 40.2 總 計Total 82.73 100.0 64.16 100.0 104.37 100.0 175.79 100.0 427.05 100.0 Materials resource: Statistics agency of Republic of Kazakhstan in 2007, Astana, 2008. 外國對哈薩克斯坦投資的產業集中度很高,主要集中在地質勘探和勘測業以及以油氣開採為主的採掘業。表3顯示,目前,哈薩克斯坦的外資約41%投入到第二產業, 59%在第三產業,其主要領域可以分為四個層次。第一層次為對企業提供的地質勘探和勘測業務(占40. 2% ) 和以油氣開採為主的採掘業(占32. 8%) ,外商在這兩個行業的投資比重高達73%;第二層次為金融業(占8% ) ,貿易、汽車以及家用製品修理業(占6. 3% ) ,以冶金和金屬加工為主的加工工業(占5. 1% ) ,外商在這三個行業的投資比重為19. 4%;第三層次是建築業(占2. 8% ) , 以及運輸和通訊業(占1. 7% ) ,兩個行業投資比重合計為4. 5%;農、獵、林、漁業,第二產業中的其他採掘工業、加工工業以及水電氣的生產和分配,服務業中的賓館和飯店,教育、衛生保健和社區服務等領域是外商投資最少的行業,比重合計僅為3. 1%,為第四個層次。 Industrial concentration of foreign investment in Kazakhstan is very high, it mainly concentrated on the geological prospecting and exploration industry, as well as the oil and gas mining based extractive industries. Table 3 shows that at present, about 41% of Kazakhstan’s foreign investment are the second industry, 59% in the third industry, its main areas can be divided into four levels. The first level provides geological exploration and survey operations (40.2%) and exploitation of the main mining industry in oil and gas (32.8%), the proportion of foreign investment in secondary industries was up to 73%; the second level for the financial industry (8%), trade, automobile and household products (accounting for repair industry 6.3%), metallurgy and metal processing industry to processing oriented (5.1%), the proportion of foreign investment in the tertiary industries was 19.4%; the third level is the construction industry (2.8%), and the transport and communications sector (1.7%), two for a total of 4.5% heavy industry investment ratio; agriculture, hunting, forestry in the secondary industry, fishery and other mining industry, processing industry, water and electricity production and distribution, service in hotels and restaurants, education, health care and community services ,which has the smallest amount of foreign direct investment amounted to 3,1% and it is on the fourth level. 提交评论 取消回复您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注评论 * 显示名称 * 电子邮箱地址 * 网站地址 在此浏览器中保存我的显示名称、邮箱地址和网站地址,以便下次评论时使用。 Δ