一帶一路 | 英媒:印人均收入僅中國1/4 但仍將超中國 由 wuyong | 4月 12, 2016 | 一帶一路 | 0 条评论 前海國合法律研究院是由西南政法大學、廣東星辰(前海)律師事務所等理事單位共同組成,由深圳前海管理局作為主管單位,深圳市司法局作為業務指導單位,集服務、研究和資料於一體的跨境法律智庫。 研究院最早成立於2013年11月,后在研究院理事長郭星亞教授、法人代表陳方先生的不懈努力和西南政法大學各級領導的大力支持下,於2016年2月2日正式成為獨立的民辦非企業單位,并正式成立博士後流動站。 一帶一路 英媒:印人均收入僅中國1/4 但仍將超中國 UK media: Chinese per capita income is 4 times as much as that of Indian, but India will overtake China in the future. 據英國廣播公司網站8月28日以《“印度龜”將超越“中國兔”》為題報導稱,英國《泰晤士報》28日發表了該報財經專欄撰稿人科林斯的一篇評論文章。 According to the BBC website report on August 28, with its title of “turtle” India will surpass “rabbit” China, the Times published a commentary article written by Collins in Financial column. 文章表示,印兩國在過去數十年就經歷了市場開放的過程。中國在 1978年之後,中國就逐步從集體農業經濟的自治經濟過渡到國營企業。與此同時,印度則是以其獨特的民主模式推行經濟改革,包括削減關稅和稅率等,不過這些措施對於刺激經濟增長作用不大。 The article said that India and China had gone through the process of markets opening in the past decade. After 1978, China gradually turned the autonomous economic which was oriented from collective agricultural economy into state-owned enterprises. At the same time, India is carrying out economic reform with its unique democratic model, including cutting tariffs and tax rates. However the influence caused by these measures for stimulating economic growth is limited. 在上個世紀九十年代初,印度的人均收入與中國不相上下,但25年後的今天,印度的人均收入只有中國的四分之一左右。 In the 90s, India’s per capita income was almost the same as that of China. 25 years later, India’s per capita income is only about a quarter of that in China. 不過文章認為,印度的民主政治體制將使其經濟超越中國。 The article insisted that India’s democratic political system will make its economy to surpass China’s. 文章說,在印度,商業合同都會得到履行,印度農民也可以自由地搬進城市住而不受限制、印度貨幣的匯率也是遵守公開的市場原則、政府官員及企業主管也會被公開問則。 The article said, in India, commercial contract is usually performed by parties, and farmers are free to move in city without any restrictions. India currency adheres to the principle of the open market. Government officials and business executives will be asked publically. 文章認為,雖然印度本身的問題也很嚴重,包括三分之一的人口是文盲、女性受到歧視、只有三分之一的家庭有電力供應,而且印度的道路也是一團糟,但這些問題都是可以解決的,而且印度的民主機制將使該國經濟最終超越中國。 The article pointed out that although India has its own serious problems, including 1/3 population who are illiterate, discrimination of a female, and where only 1/3 numbers of family are provided with electric power as well the roads which are a mess in India. But all the problems could be solved. 提交评论 取消回复您的电子邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用*标注评论 * 显示名称 * 电子邮箱地址 * 网站地址 在此浏览器中保存我的显示名称、邮箱地址和网站地址,以便下次评论时使用。 Δ