In the afternoon of August 4th, Shenzhen Municipal Justice Bureau’snewly appointed bureau chief and party chief Jiang Xiling leads a delegation tosurvey Qianhai. Accompanied by Qianhai Management Bureau’s vice-chief TangShaojie and chief of its legal section Zhang Guangchao, the delegation visitsSincere Qianhai Law Offices.
Sincere Qianhai Law Offices’ president Chen Fang,operating director Liang Min and senior attorney Dr. Lou Hong gives a warmwelcome to the delegation; they show the delegation around the law office andshowcase Sincere Qianhai lawyers’ spirits and facilities. Chief Jiang Xilinpraises Sincere Qianhai’s idea and style behind its design.
During meeting, president Chen introducesto the visiting officials Sincere Qianhai’s financial innovative business andthe firm’s achievement in Qianhai, including the representation of the firstlegal case in Qianhai and the biggest case in international arbitration, theparticipation in QMB’s legislative research and the effort to establish a newmodel of professional service. In respect of management, Sincere Qianhai islearning from foreign advanced examples, and joins the trend to operate withuniformity and standardization. Besides, the firm cooperates with SouthwestUniversity of Political Science and Law to found the Institute of Qianhai LegalStudies, and help build the One Belt One Road International Lawyer Alliance.Sincere Qianhai integrates different resources, relies on Hong Kong and facesthe world; striving to be the unparalleled high-end professional serviceplatform of China, Sincere Qianhai provides one-stop service with its universaloperation.
During meeting,president Chen introduces to the visiting officials Sincere Qianhai’s financialinnovative business and the firm’s achievement in Qianhai, including therepresentation of the first legal case in Qianhai and the biggest case ininternational arbitration, the participation in QMB’s legislative research andthe effort to establish a new model of professional service. In respect of management,Sincere Qianhai is learning from foreign advanced examples, and joins the trendto operate with uniformity and standardization. Besides, the firm cooperateswith Southwest University of Political Science and Law to found the Instituteof Qianhai Legal Studies, and help build the One Belt One Road InternationalLawyer Alliance. Sincere Qianhai integrates different resources, relies on HongKong and faces the world; striving to be the unparalleled high-end professionalservice platform of China, Sincere Qianhai provides one-stop service with itsuniversal operation.
Chief Jiang shows great confidencein Sincere Qianhai’s ability to research new business, and wishes the firm togrow strong, to establish a high-end service platform within China’s legal serviceand writes a new chapter for Qianhai’s legal service.
( 編輯:李丹 翻譯:孫子翔 攝影:謝永藝 )
(Edited by Dan Li , Translated by Zixiang Sun, Photo by Yongyi Xie)